There are not enough words to communicate how grateful I am for your unwavering support and dedication to Redemption Church over the years. This church is a direct result of what God is doing to build His kingdom, coupled with the faithful obedience of His people. We began just 5 years ago with a few families who responded to the call on their lives to leave their current ministries and start Redemption Church! There are nearly 150,000 people located within a 20 minute drive of Lower Burrell, where our ministry sits - a great launching pad for the spread of the gospel message!

Throughout the years, God has brought tremendous numerical growth to our church. More important, however, is the spiritual growth throughout our congregation. Praise God! The work of God in each and every one of your lives is so evident. But we must never feel as if we’ve “arrived“. The Bible teaches that we are to strive for continual growth in Him.

As we embark on this building campaign, I humbly ask for your generous contributions to help us create a space that will enhance our ability to serve both our congregation and the greater community more effectively. Your financial contributions will enable us to do more than simply “gain another building”. They will help expand gospel ministry throughout Lower Burrell & the surrounding regions! Together, through this campaign, we can grow in a way that will allow us to continue the important work of declaring & demonstrating God’s plan of redemption with those around us. Let’s grow!!!

Missed our Sunday morning message on the Let’s Grow campaign? Listen here or download for offline listening.

  • Pray for the success of the campaign and all that will be accomplished for Christ

  • Prayerfully consider your financial commitment to this project

  • Share this information with as many people as you can with enthusiasm and encourage them to get involved

  • Let us know if you’ve committed to giving by clicking “Pledge Now” and filling out the form. Then click “Give Online” or choose from our other many ways to give.

We ask that you prayerfully consider how your generosity can reflect your gratitude for the gifts that God has given you.

“Each person should do as he has decided in his heart—not reluctantly or out of compulsion, since God loves a cheerful giver.” -2 Corinthians 9:7

Our mailing address: 232 Hillcrest Drive, Lower Burrell, PA 15068